
Event Schedules

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Items for sale such as horses, tack, training , lessons, etc.

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Find pictures from club events here.

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The officers and Board of Directors were elected by the general membership. Your officers and board members are available for contact on our officers page, Please feel free to contact any member of this board with questions, concerns or suggestions.


Name Office Phone Number Email
Ken Wright President 478-279-5586
Cindy Wynn Vice President 229-225-6955
Kathy Wright Treasurer
Want to help? Secretary Email Ken Wright…

Board of Directors

Directors Name Email
Greg Cahill
Keith Collis
Jodie McBee
Rob Lassiter
Chad Taylor

Photo Submissions

We would love to have photos from you or photos you have taken at shows, clinics and events! When submitting photos, please be sure to include the name of the photographer, name of the horse and rider (if known). Other information like breed, class, show/clinic date are helpful as well. Not all photos submitted will be used, but we will put up as many as we are able to and as quickly as possible!

By submitting photos or video to the Georgia Ranch Horse Association, you grant the Georgia Ranch Horse Association — and all affiliates and assigned others — the right to post, publish, broadcast, print, and use in any manner the Georgia Ranch Horse Association deems appropriate, in any media now known or hereafter developed, around the planet. This includes, without limitation, the World Wide Web. Your name, photographs and any language contained therein, may be used for public information without additional consideration or compensation. You further release the Florida Ranch Horse Club, its affiliates and assigned others from any and all liability, claims, or damages arising out of or relating the your media submission. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in submitting copy, photos or videos.

By submitting the form below and uploading photos or videos to us, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and agree to the information described above.

Classified Advertisement Submissions

Classified Advertisements on the Georgia Ranch Horse Association are limited to club members only at this time. Please submit required photo of item and information by using the form below.